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EASA Offers Guide for Motor Repairs

23 Feb,2021

EASA has published a “Good Practice Guide” that can help end users obtain three-phase electric motor repairs and rewinds that maintain the motor’s energy efficiency and reliability.

The Guide explains in practical terms industry best practice repair/rewind procedures from ANSI/EASA Standard AR100-2020: Recommended Practice for the Repair of Rotating Electrical Apparatus that apply to all three-phase electric motors, including Premium Efficiency/IE3 motors. Based on rewind studies by independent test facilities, these procedures maintain and sometimes even improve the efficiency of repaired/rewound motors.

“More than 97 percent of an electric motor's lifetime cost is for the electricity it uses to operate. Any measurable change in its efficiency can significantly affect operating costs, a big concern for end users” said Linda Raynes, CAE, EASA president and CEO. “EASA’s Guide provides practical insights about repair/rewind procedures for end users who can rely on ANSI/EASA AR100 to evaluate repair services and providers.”

The new Guide covers best practices for inspection, testing, mechanical repair and electrical rewinds. It also explains how repair procedures can affect common types of motor losses and motor efficiency, underscoring the importance of requiring service providers to follow the repair best practices in ANSI/EASA AR100-2020.

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