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KISSsoft Examines Plastic Gears and Tooth Form Aspects

20 Feb,2021


With injection molded plastic gears, the designer has a great degree of freedom in defining the tooth form because it is not the result of a generating process, as is the case with most metal gears.

Applying modifications to plastic gears, as well as dealing with non-involute, hybrid flanks or tolerances, are some of the challenging tasks facing the gear designer. The influence of the injection molding process on the final tooth geometry also plays a significant role, in particular for plastic materials with high shrinkage.

Register today for KISSsoft's free web demo on February 23, 2021, in which Dipl.-Ing. Hanspeter Dinner and M.Sc.Eng. Ilja Tsikur will present the functions in KISSsoft that can be used to address the challenges in the plastics sector. 

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