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Announcement of Change in President at NSK Ltd.
02 Feb,2021
NSK Ltd. announced at its regular Board of Directors' meeting held February 2, 2021 that Mr. Toshihiro Uchiyama will resign as President and Chief Executive Officer of NSK Ltd. to become its new Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Change in President and CEO (Effective from April 1, 2021)
Former Title
New Title
Toshihiro Uchiyama Director, Representative, President and CEO Chairman of the Board of Directors
Akitoshi Ichii Director, Representative, Executive Vice President Director, Representative, President and CEO
Resume of New President
Akitoshi Ichii
Place of birth
Tokyo, Japan
Date of birth
May 8, 1963
Mar 1986 Graduated from Waseda University School of Commerce
Career Summary
Apr 1986Joined NSK Ltd.Dec 2008Deputy Head of Automotive Bearings Division HQ (Automotive Business Division HQ)Jun 2012Head of all Indian operationsJun 2015Vice PresidentDeputy Head of Corporate Planning Division HQJun 2016Head of Corporate Planning Division HQ (current)Responsible for AsiaApr 2017Senior Vice PresidentJun 2017Director (current)Apr 2019Representative, Executive Vice President (current)Responsible for Administrative Divisions (current)Jun 2019Member of the Compensation Committee (current)Apr 2020Responsible for Europe and the Americas (current)