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‘DAL-e’ robot to man Hyundai customer services in showrooms

26 Jan,2021


 Hyundai Motor Group on Monday launched ‘DAL-e’, an advanced customer service robot that independently communicates with people using precise recognition capabilities and mobility functions.

DAL-e is an acronym for ‘Drive you, Assist you, Link with you-experience’. It is designed to pioneer the future of automated customer services, the company said in a statement.

The advanced humanoid robot was unveiled at a Hyundai Motor showroom in southern Seoul, where the robot has commenced its pilot operation. After this, it is expected to be used in various fields that require everyday interactions with customers, such as other showrooms of Hyundai Motor Company and Kia Corporation.

DAL-e is equipped with state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technology for facial recognition as well as an automatic communication system based on a language-comprehension platform.

“DAL-e is a next-generation service platform that can offer automated customer services anytime. It is expected to become a messenger capable of delivering consistent messages to customers in a more intimate and personal way than conventional robots,” Dong Jin Hyun, vice president and head of the Robotics Lab at Hyundai Motor Group, said.

“With continuous updates and improvements, DAL-e will provide fresh, pleasant experiences to our valued customers in a contact-free environment. Our objective is to enable it to engage in smooth and entertaining communication with customers and present valuable services to them.”

With its truncated, humanoid body (measuring 1,160 X 600 X 600 mm and weighing 80kg), DAL-e is lighter and more compact than other customer service and guide robots in the market, Hyundai said.

It is accoutered with friendly, emotive physical features for close interactions with customers. For instance, when a customer enters the showroom without wearing a mask, DAL-e recognises it and advises the customer to wear one.

In terms of its communication capability, it can engage in an automated and smooth dialogue with customers by providing useful information on products and services and respond to verbal and touch screen commands, according to the company release.

DAL-e can move freely and escort customers to designated spots using its all-directional four wheels.

At the exhibition hall where it is being pilot-operated, DAL-e is credited with easing the staff’s workflow and offering hands-on help to customers, including those who do not prefer to be assisted by human staff because of COVID-19 circumstances, and those who visit the venue during busy times like the weekend.

Hyundai Motor Group said it plans to continuously update DAL-e based on the data from pilot operations, perfecting its operational capabilities as an advanced android robot.

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