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AWEA Merges Into American Clean Power Association

22 Jan,2021


Renewable energy is already operating at scale and is on track to triple its reach in the U.S. over the next 30 years. The American Clean Power Association is the voice of the companies turning America’s enormous clean power potential into reality. Many of these businesses are invested across the sector – in wind, solar, transmission and storage. Together, they are providing cost-effective solutions to the climate crisis while creating jobs, spurring massive investment in the American economy and driving high-tech innovation across the United States.

The American Clean Power Association works to champion policies that will transform the U.S. power grid to a low-cost, reliable and renewable power system. By uniting the power of wind, solar, transmission and storage companies, along with manufacturers and construction companies, developers and owners/operators, utilities, financial firms and corporate purchasers, their goal is to make renewables the dominant energy source in the United States.

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