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Update & Outlook: The India Auto Parts Manufacturing Industry - Audio Internview

19 Jan,2021


GlobalAutoIndustry.com’s latest Audio Interview “Update & Outlook: The India Auto Parts Manufacturing Industry” features Vinnie Mehta.

Mehta is Director General of ACMA, the Automotive Component Manufacturers Association of India.

Its membership of over 850 manufacturers contributes more than 85% of the auto component industry’s turnover in the organized sector.

In the 11-minute Audio Interview, Mehta discusses these questions:
? How is India doing post-Covid and what is your outlook on India?
? Re the process of looking beyond China and to de-risk supply chains, is India prepared to grab this opportunity?
? What are the Government directives on Atmanirbhar Bharat and how is the Government supporting this Champion sector?
? Going forward, what level of technology is the Indian Auto component Industry looking at, and how it is being addressed?
? And provides final thoughts.

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