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MPIF Announces Distinguished Service Recipients
19 Jan,2021
The Metal Powder Industries Federation's (MPIF) Awards Committee has announced the recipients of the 2021 MPIF Distinguished Service to Powder Metallurgy (PM) Award that recognizes individuals who have actively served the North American PM industry for at least 25 years and, in the minds of their peers, deserve special recognition.
2021 Award Recipients
(Company name in parenthesis indicates employer at time of retirement)
Rodney Brennen, Metco Industries Inc.
James R. Dale, (Metal Powder Industries Federation)
Scott Davis, Hoeganaes Corporation
Peter A. dePoutiloff, PMTII, SSI Sintered Technologies
Utpal (Paul) Gangapadhyay, MPP
Claus Joens, Elnik System
John L. Johnson, Novamet Specialty Products
Arthur E. (Bud) Jones, Symmco, Inc.
Enrique Lavernia, Univ of California Irvine
Stephen C. McCrossan, Plansee USA LLC
Salvator Nigarura, Global Tungsten & Powders Corp.
Gregory D. Wallis, Dorst America, Inc.
The awards ceremony will take place during PowderMet2021, June 20–23, Orlando, Florida.