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MIM 2021 Releases Virtual Program

13 Jan,2021


The program for the virtual MIM2021: International Conference on Injection Molding of Metals, Ceramics and Carbides, the only international powder and metal injection molding conference of the year, will feature two keynote presentations. MIM2021 will attract a global audience, showcasing the latest advances in this dynamic technology. The virtual conference and exhibition conference will take place February 22a?????25, 2021, and presentations will be available on demand through March 5.

Keynote Presentations Include:

"Design for Manufacturability a????? Quality, Innovation and Value, Metal Working for Surgical Instruments" by Steve Santoro, executive vice president, MICRO, a contract manufacturing organization servicing the medical device industry.

"Cobra Puma Applications for MIM and Metal Additive Manufactured Components" by Bryce Hobbs, senior innovation engineer, Cobra Puma, a sports equipment manufacturing company focused on golf equipment, producing a wide range of golf clubs.

Other Conference Highlights:

Powder Injection Molding Tutorial, an ideal way for anyone looking for a solid grounding in the

technology in a short period of time.

Three days of technical sessions

Virtual Exhibition

Over $200 of MPIF books and standards

“The metal injection molding industry is an innovative and highly competitive marketplace,” explains Paul Sedor, vice president, member and industry relations, Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF). “The annual MIM conference provides an optimal venue for gaining industry insight and learning about the latest technology.”

Last year’s MIM2020 attendees consisted of 38% parts manufacturers; 30% equipment & service providers; 11% powder and feedstock suppliers; 5% consumers; and 16% other, which includes students and academia. A similar attendance base is expected for 2021.

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