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Kia ignites its transformation with new logo, global brand slogan

07 Jan,2021


Kia has revealed its new corporate logo and global brand slogan that signify the automaker’s transformation and all-new brand purpose. The introduction of the new logo represents Kia’s ambitions to establish a leadership position in the future mobility industry.

The logo is a symbol of Kia's new brand purpose and the values it promises to offer customers through future products and services, and the experiences these enable. Kia seals its brand promise by developing the new logo to resemble a handwritten signature, the automotive manufacturer said in a press statement.

The rhythmical, unbroken line of the logo conveys Kia's commitment to bringing moments of inspiration, while its symmetry demonstrates confidence. The rising gestures of the logo embody Kia’s rising ambitions for the brand. The new logo was unveiled during a pyrotechnic display in the skies above Incheon, Korea. In addition to an all-new logo, Kia revealed its new global brand slogan, ‘Movement that inspires’.

Ho Sung Song, president and chief executive officer, Kia, said, “Kia’s new logo represents the company’s commitment to becoming an icon for change and innovation. The automotive industry is experiencing a period of rapid transformation, and Kia is proactively shaping and adapting to these changes. Our new logo represents our desire to inspire customers as their mobility needs evolve, and for our employees to rise to the challenges we face in a fast-changing industry.”

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