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ABB SafetyInsight

04 Jan,2021


ABB Ability SafetyInsight digital software applications support companies through the lifecycle of process safety management. The software digitalizes early engineering technology (ET) data to create a process safety digital twin, using this data to give context to data generated through IT and operational technology (OT) systems.

SafetyInsight enables engineering data to be digitalized, and accessible by operation and maintenance teams. The addition of IT/OT data provides near real-time updates. The suite has process safety dashboards to provide the information.

“Companies operating in high hazard industries invest significant time and effort developing the basis of safety during the engineering phase of a facility,” said Karl Watson, Global Digital Sales Solution Architect for Process Safety, ABB Energy Industries. “This critical knowledge is then often left ‘on-the-shelf’, leaving operation and maintenance teams to ‘re-invent the wheel’ when it comes to understanding the hazards and risks associated with their processes.”

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