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Schneider Electric TeSys island

04 Jan,2021


Schneider Electric TeSys island is a digital load management system, that digitally integrates multifunction motor starters into machine control panels. TeSys island features a catalog of TeSys avatars that act like a digital twin on top of the physical device.

In operation with EcoStruxure Machine solution, TeSys island minimizes machine stoppages by providing access and diagnostic data by generating pre-alarms when unusual electrical load behaviour is detected. Information can be accessed remotely. TeSys island provides device health, load level energy consumption, and application-specific protection data.

The system manages motors and other electrical loads up to 80A, and electrical and mechani-cal configurations can be updated throughout a machine’s life cycle.

“With TeSys island, original equipment manufacturers are able to bring their machine control panels into the 21st century by easily incorporating Industry 4.0 automation and the simplest, most efficient data exchange capabilities into their designs,” said Juergen Stawartz, Motor Management Marketing VP, Schneider Electric. “With guided design, assisted engineering, quick mounting and reduced wiring, TeSys island gets machines up and running faster. Pro-gramming of input and output controls is eliminated thanks to the intelligence incorporated in the bus coupler, which serves as the system’s brains.”

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