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Iron And Steel Smelting Process Straightening Section Continuous Casting Machine Fan Section Roll Gang Rolling Mill
  • Contact:Minister Xu
  • Mobile:13841408476
  • Tel:024-44837288
  • Fax:024-44837004
  • E-mail:xuming58@126.com
  • Web:www.buymay88.cn
  • Address:No.110 XiangHuai Road
    Benxi Economic Development Zone
    Liaoning Province

Rolling Mill

The rolling mill, as the equipment performing metal rolling procedures, generally refers to the equipment used in the whole production process of rolled metal. Specifically, it mainly includes the master device, auxiliary device, handling facility as well as its accessory devices.

江城| 庄河市| 玉山县| 固始县| 三穗县| 乐亭县| 科尔| 开平市| 万载县| 泰和县| 石狮市| 黎城县| 南投市| 山丹县| 平阳县| 宝鸡市| 清丰县| 皮山县| 怀柔区| 同江市| 辉南县| 古丈县| 宾川县| 库伦旗| 徐汇区| 虞城县| 崇义县| 依兰县| 固安县| 专栏| 石泉县| 宝坻区| 民乐县| 富平县| 拉萨市| 临湘市| 台北市| 敖汉旗| 嘉定区| 青田县| 东莞市|