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Iron And Steel Smelting Process Straightening Section Continuous Casting Machine Fan Section Roll Gang Rolling Mill
  • Contact:Minister Xu
  • Mobile:13841408476
  • Tel:024-44837288
  • Fax:024-44837004
  • E-mail:xuming58@126.com
  • Web:www.buymay88.cn
  • Address:No.110 XiangHuai Road
    Benxi Economic Development Zone
    Liaoning Province

Iron And Steel Smelting Process

The iron and steel metallurgical procedures are collectively termed as iron and steel smelting process. By carbon content, the industrial iron falls into pig iron (with carbon content above 2%) and steel (with carbon content less than 2%).

西丰县| 湛江市| 南澳县| 屏东县| 南充市| 吉木乃县| 西林县| 铁岭市| 台湾省| 方城县| 油尖旺区| 康定县| 德州市| 靖边县| 扬中市| 大英县| 休宁县| 嘉鱼县| 龙胜| 唐河县| 民权县| 沅陵县| 佛山市| 雷山县| 通江县| 贵德县| 甘肃省| 张家口市| 长武县| 雷山县| 宜都市| 德惠市| 云龙县| 成武县| 岱山县| 博野县| 曲阳县| 红河县| 漠河县| 兰考县| 修武县|